Why mapping assets can be surprising

At an early stage in any strategy review, Lucent supports its clients to map their assets and more often than not we find it revealing.

Asset mapping is about identifying all the strengths and resources a charity has to achieve its purpose. We do this exercise in-person with both trustees and senior staff when possible, or using a shared Miro board for a fast-paced online version.

Sometimes this exercise reveals assets an organisation could use to greater advantage; other times it may flag a gap between aspirations and the assets at your disposal. But sometimes the biggest surprises are the different perspectives that come out through the conversations: realising your trustees’ access to relevant politicians or the potential to share your building space with complementary charities, for example.

Whether surprising or not, asset mapping as a whole team is a great way to build a shared understanding of your organisation’s starting point - and to begin conversations about its future options from a grounded perspective.

Interested in learning more? Get in touch with our team here.

BlogKatherine Rake