Lucent is committed to addressing the climate crisis as part of our work with social purpose organisations.

Several of our clients are environmental charities or funders, who we support to have as big an impact as possible. An example is our facilitation of the Irish Sea Network, comprising Wildlife Trusts from all six nations around the Irish Sea. We have also shared our research on green funders with members of the Environmental Funders Network so that it could inform their future approach.

In terms of our own direct operations, our carbon footprint is negligible. We mainly work remotely, using video conferences and calls with our clients. We very rarely print any papers or materials. When travel is required, we use public transport. Furthermore, we engage with our regular suppliers e.g. bank and pension provider, to understand their sustainability and use this information to select future suppliers.

We know that sustainability, diversity and inclusion and strategy need to be addressed as joint goals. For example, we recognise that climate change has a disproportionate impact on black and minoritized communities and on women. We understand that delivering inclusion and creating a more sustainable world have to be held as joint aims. We challenge our clients to promote diversity and inclusion in their sustainability work, and foster connections between climate organisations and those working for social justice.